Friday, March 23, 2012

Zombi Totts

It seems to be a page right out of a Max Brooks novel. "Baffling Illness Turns Children into Mindless 'Zombies'. Its being called the "nodding disease" as infected children typically have regular seizures, which are proceeded by a repetitive nodding of the head.

In one of the most bizarre symptoms of this tragic illness, children with the disease are reportedly setting fire to buildings in their communities. Coupled with the aimless wandering this disease provokes in victims, this is a deadly combination. More than 200 people have been killed in fires believed to be set by the zombified children. More here :
First showing up in Sudan in the 1960's and slowly spread to Libya and Tanzania. 'They' are not fully sure what causes the illness. It effects children between 5-15yrs.

Could this be vaccine induced? Narcolepsy link to swine flu vaccine established - victims to get compensation or perhaps a consequence of another vaccine trial?

What is really odd about this is that the CDC published on its own health matters blog May 16th 2011 - Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Japan's even training children to be prepared. See training vid here :

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